Sunday, February 12, 2006

Best of British Animation Awards Vol.4

Missed Vol 2 and 3 the previous day.

The collection consists of the following films:

BAA 2002 Title sequence | The Charactershop | 2002
Novelty | Leigh Hodginkson | 2001
Metalstasis | Matthew Hood | 2001
The Lucky Dip | Emily Skinner | 2001
Intolerance | Phil Mulloy | 2000
Rockin' & Rollin' | Richard Jack & Daniel Greaves | 2001
Daddy | Stephen Cavalier | 2001
Home Road Movies | Robert Bradbrook| 2000
Plain Pleasures | Sarah Cox | 2001
Q. | Sam Morris | 2000
Tennents: Pintlings | Darren Walsh | 2001
Aero: Kiosk | Alyson Hamilton | 2001
Hot Spot | Mark Brierley | 2000
Father and Daughter | Michael Dudok de Wit | 2000
Mr Grimby's Video Diary | Neil Jack | 2001

Saw "Father and Daughter" at other screenings before and I think it is quite nice! The animation has an impressionistic feel to it with pretty girls riding on the bicycle and nice background music. Also liked the director's previous work: "The Monk and The Fish" that had a similar style.

Besides "FAD", I also liked "Metalstasis", "Intolerance" and "Daddy". "Metalstasis" is about a robot who is sick because there were rats in his body, "Intolerance" is an anthropology study about aliens from the planet Zog and "Daddy" was about how Dad kept the whole family together over the years through vacations on his trusty old car.

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