Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Art of Racing in the Rain

The story is about the life of a dog living with a man who aspires to be a great racer.

Liked the interesting animation sequence with the zebra in the middle of the film! The plot is a little predictable and I didn't quite understand the technical details on how the protagonist was able to do better in the rain.

Internet Movie Database Link

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Project RED

The project consists of four short stories. Each of them explain how we have more in common than we think.

Liked the dynamics between the two Indian couples in "Singapore Flying", the montage of the lives of two people in "Merging Lanes", the new friendship forged in "Common Ground" and the impact of the parents' biases on their children in "The Dispute"!


P.S. Short Films

There are four short stories in the series. Each of them describes what the unsung heroes in the public service does.

Liked how the youth guidance office believed in her girl in "P.S. Finding L", the nice sports action with the legends in "P.S. Farrer Park", the beautiful scenery in "P.S. Nothing Gold Can Stay" and the determination by the officer to understand the ground situation in "P.S. In One's Shoes"!
